I started thinking this could be a daily journal/blog but when one day blends into another and you think nothing interesting is happening in your life, then you can be pretty damn sure that no one else is going to think your uninteresting life is in anyway interesting. That's not a woe is me take. It's a reality. I do not think that very many people are having a real interesting existence right now judging by all the time calling polls/quarantine house choices/ you can only pick three types of things are going around Twitter where we find out such fascinating things such as who has Mars and who has Twix in their top three chocolate bars. We can officially say that we are at the "grind" part of this quarantine/isolation, so my own personal advice for myself is the same for you. Keep grinding and doing your part to flatten the curve. It's the only thing that can sustain us right now.
It is also the time in which more than a little bit of cynicism is creeping into people's psyche towards our political leaders. I'm not talking about Trump. In fact I will talk very little about Trump other than to be completely puzzled why is continually goes off script during his press briefings rather stick to talking points. It's not that hard to do, even for an sociopath, egotistical leader such as Trump. Check out Trudeau and Doug Ford. They defer to the medical experts, and stick to their talking points and don't get carried away with their answers. That said, the bloom is off the rose in my books in regards to the PM and the Premier of Ontario . I cannot speak for other Premiers because I do not pay attention to their daily briefings . Maybe it's burnout from hearing from them everyday or I'm remembering my own personal view point that I do not trust any politician which has any sort of agenda, which, well, is every politician. For Doug Ford, though he has been admiral, I cannot shake the fact that he is leveraging this for his federal run the next election. Trust me, the heel turn is coming. Plus, has he really been the superstar that everyone has made him out to be, or is he just acting like a normal human being after being a babbling buffoon who was well on this way to losing the next provincial election due to the fact he was so unlikable and incompetent? To his credit he's stuck to the talking points, shown some sort of compassion and even loaded up his own vehicle to personally deliver medical supplies (great photo op by the way). Again, to me, this is really no great accomplishment. To show empathy, be sympathetic, be emotional and to defer to the experts does not take much. There's only one who has failed to do that. Damn it! Trump snuck in their again didn't he?
As for Trudeau my Rockian (and Spockian) eyebrow is raised even more. Yes, I know he has to me measured with his words as he's speaking to the whole country and has to make sure the opposition is content because he's in a minority government. However, he comes across as so insincere and rehearsed that it is not funny, and I'm not even going to get into his "moistly" mistake. The time has come for Trudeau to be a bit more bold and a bit more of a leader right now rather than just regurgitating the same thing time and time again. He's done well on the whole, but with each day brings a new challenge, a new thing to be concerned about , new numbers. You get the point. Leaders should be adaptable and change their demeanor appropriately depending on circumstances. Plus, if Trudeau really is taking two days off to be with his family, that is one thing, but if he is going to Quebec and therefore cross provincial lines when it is not recommended to do so, then it is a poor choice and people should rightfully call him out for this.
At some point in time these political leaders are going to have to make even tougher choices for the betterment of their constituents be they municipal, provincial or federal. At some point leaders are going to have to make the tough choice to restart the economy and get people back to work. At some point leaders are going to have to consider the real life financial, and emotional ramifications of people in isolation. Mental health issues are real, and I have no doubt those afflicted are struggling right now. I count myself as one of them right now who is drifting aimlessly looking for some sort of purpose and identity because while I'm being financially compensated I'm still off work on medical leave, and obviously I am not going any broadcasting. I'm fine overall, but others likely are not. At some point they are going to have to be considered and leaders, with medical advice of course, are going to have make that tough decision about the economy because you cannot prop it up for ever with government money, even though people need the support. Small businesses, though getting subsidies, are suffering and it would not surprise me to see a lot of people simply not open their small business when we transition to that next and can you blame them? Starting a small business is tough, but restarting a small business is just as tough, if not tougher. I would say that our economy might be operating at 25% of what it used to be and that might be a generous estimation. When will that tough decision be made? No one knows because medical prognostications are all over the map as well, and I'm not sure who to believe. My own personal thought process as a fiscal conservative is that if there is a chance to open up parts of the economy, or open things up in stages, then they should do it otherwise we will not bounce back for a while. I'm not suggesting that we be reckless with this, but I am suggesting that we consider all facets of the equation because despite government support there are people struggling financially and emotionally.
- Lose these "which quarantine house would you live in?" choices on social media. If it ain't my family, I ain't living with anyone!
- Way too many people like Ketchup chips in this country as when it was "pick three flavours of chips" Ketchup appeared more often than not. Not for me though, they rank pretty low. Only cheesies and cheetos would be lower
- Late night hosts like Colbert and Fallon have been doing their monologues from home and it is lame. Guests have been cool though. Colbert has doing a better job making it appear like he's legit hosting with a nice background, while Fallon is mailing it in.
- The OHL Draft provided some much needed new content for everyone. Thanks to my producer Darren, and Matt Young for putting together a Skype TV show, and thanks to 610 CKTB Drive host Tom McConnell for having me on his show to talk some hockey. It was nice to talk about something other than COVID-19 for even a few minutes
Take care everyone.