Things I'm already sick of 11 days into this:
1. Pictures of people at the beach, or at spring break, including that moron who everyone on Twitter was retweeting or commenting on. You know who I'm talking about. The dude with the bad sunburn saying that if he got COVID-19, he got COVID-19 and it was not going to change his plan. Here's a special Red Forman "dumbass" for him. For the rest of you, get your sorry asses six feet apart and start taking this seriously.
2. Trump- nothing new there, but watching his press conference today was an exercise in watching a special kind of stupid and a unique form of arrogance. If my dad were alive today, he'd be railing and ranting against Trump , or the "Tangerine Twat" as he liked to call him. This guy cannot answer a simple question without belittling, or berating a reporter, or talking about his own vast wealth and great leadership. The truth, it appears, is something he's vaguely aware of. I mean, holy f**K, it's a friggin' pandemic and even then he can't be serious. Even Doug Ford, whose bombastic ways have alienated the average Ontarian has deferred to the experts and stuck to the script.
3. Meeting friends outside. March is not a warm month! The past two days we have met friends for outside play dates for our daughters. And not to worry, we all kept a safe distance apart and the kids were great. We also might have had drinks disguised as other drinks but I don't want to blow my cover too much. On St Patrick's Day we sat outside with our neighbours. They were on the front porch and we were on their front lawn. The conversation has been great, and we've still been laughing and maintaining our sense of humour, but damn it, it's not warm!
4. Vintage Sports Events. Yes, I know that sports networks have a lot of content to fill, but man, I have no interest in last years Raptors playoff run, or any of the vintage games that are being shown. I miss my live sports, my OHL, NHL hockey, and my March Madness. Shallow whining during a serious situation? Yep, but here we are.
5. Empty arena wrestling. The show must go on say WWE and AEW! I have to give them credit. They are trying and if there is any industry that feeds off of the live audience, and drives their content from them, its wrestling. Some of the stuff has been good, very good, but having the Undertaker coming into an empty arena kills his aura, and the same goes for Stone Cold Steve Austin crushing beers and asking for a "Hell Yeah" when no one is responding. Sorry, I love wrestling, but not an empty arena Wrestlemania just is not for me.
Take the above with a grain of salt, except for Trump. I can't think of a worse person to lead a crisis. Thank goodness we have Trudeau, and I can't believe I said that, but he's been calm, rational and more importantly has deferred to the medical experts. As a family, we are doing fine. Like many, my wife and I hope to keep our daughter engaged, and more importantly safe and secure. We are taking everything seriously and my hands smell like hand sanitizer and soap, and Ralph Lauren is not going to base his new cologne off of that , but we do what we have to do.
Until tomorrow