Today will be a very quick post because really not much of any significance happened. I fear that there will be many more days like this as this pandemic rages on and we try to flatten the curve. The family excitement for the day was piling into the car and going for a long drive through wine country in Niagara. There's nothing like driving by a winery and not be able to go in because they were closed. Still, you try to create your own fun when nothing is really open. Was this fun? No, but it sure killed 90 minutes today! The roller guards continue to be a big hit with my daughter as she zipped around the park. The trip was somewhat ruined by an inattentive dad who not only had his son playing in the playground but also compounded his tool-ness (my word) by leaving his child and going for a brief walk. You can't teach stupid, so it must be an acquired taste.
A couple funny things on the old twitter machine today. I'm not sure if this staged or not, but it's pretty funny nonetheless. You knew that it was inevitable with people working from home. Was it an adorable child video bomb? No, it was a grown man in white gitch embarrassing his wife. The second one involved the dude going through the Tim Horton's drive through spraying sanitizer all over the place and then topping it all off by the telling the guy behind him who honked impatiently to f*** off. Classic stuff. Dude, if you're that much of a germaphobe , stay the f*** home and make your own damn coffee.
Here's Captain Underpants:
Here's Captain Coffee
Never let me be any one of these guys.